With Average Forward, the Exporter can protect against exchange rate risk at certain intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) and with the same amount of foreign currency payment or export income at an average exchange rate level.

What is Average Forward?

Unlike standard forward transactions, they are transactions that provide the opportunity to buy/sell foreign currency at certain intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) and the same amount at an average exchange rate.

What is the Product’s purpose?

It provides an average cost for transactions in recurring periods, without commission and premium payment.

What currencies can be used for the transaction?

Currencies subject to Average Forward transactions are Turkish Lira, US Dollar, Euro, British Pound, Japanese Yen and other currencies to be decided by the Treasury Department.

What are the Maturity and Transaction Limits?

Exporter’s maximum derivative trading limit is limited to 50 percent of the general limit allocated to the exporter, or to 25 million US Dollar whichever is less.

The minimum transaction amount that the exporter may request for a Risk Reversal transaction is 20,000 US Dollar and equivalent currencies.

The maturity of Average Forward transactions is 360 days at most.

Between which hours can the transaction be made?

Average Forward transactions can be made between 09:30-15:30. The transaction maturity can not be on official holidays for the currencies concerned.

What is the cost?

No transaction fee or commission will be paid to the Bank for the Average Forward transaction. The transactions are made by collateral.

To make a transaction or for further information; You can contact us at 0850 666 5631 or 0850 666 5638.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can benefit from Average Forward Transactions?

In order to benefit from the Average Forward Transaction;

It is required that the Exporter’s firm information is held within the bank, a “General Loan Contract” is signed between the Exporter and the Bank and that the necessary collateral have been established within the Bank,

A “Derivative Products Framework Contract” and the “General Risk Notification Form” and the “Over-the-Counter Derivative Transactions Risk Notification Form”, which are annexes to this contract must be signed between the Exporter and the Bank and the Compliance Test must be filled.

How to apply?

The Exporters which currently have their firm information within our Bank;

Must sign the “General Loan Contract”, and following the derivative transaction limit allocation; along with the “Derivative Products Framework Contract” and the “General Risk Notification Form” and the “Over-the-Counter Derivative Transactions Risk Notification Form”, which are annexes to this contract, signed in 2 copies, authorized signatory lists with notary certification belonging to the individuals who are authorized to represent and bind the company and that have their signatures on the contract must be delivered to the Treasury Operation Directorate by hand and/or via mail-courier.

What is the collateral?

Since the risk of not fulfilling the exporter’s obligation in Average Forward Transactions is not guaranteed, there is loan risk for the Average Forward contracts. The Bank requests initial collateral from the Exporter for this risk.

In determining the TL equivalent of the collateral amounts that will be established, Türk Eximbank’s currency buying rates will be used. For the related transactions, within the derivative transaction limit, separate collateral will be established for each transaction. Each transaction’s maturity is limited to 10 days prior to the maturity of the collateral provided. The initial and maintenance collateral level is determined by the Head Office on transaction basis.

What is the Initial and Maintanence Collateral?

The amount that must be provided by the Exporter as collateral for the Bank to make a Average Forward transaction is the initial collateral. Maintanence collateral is the lowest level at which the initial margin can be decreased as a result of the exchange rate fluctuations in the market during the period of the exchange rate Average Forward process.

The final maturity rate will be based on the total transaction amount.

Day Count

Initial Margin


Maintenance Margin


Initial Margin


Maintenance Margin


Up to 30 Days





31-90 Days





91-180 Days





181-360 Days






What Collateral Types Are Accepted?

  • Bank Definite Guarantee Letters,
  • Cash Pledge
  • Securities issued by countries rated as Country Risk Rating Aa1 and higher by Moody's,
  • T.R. Securities issued by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance in the country and abroad,
  • Securities issued by Türkiye Export Credit Bank A.Ş.
  • Securities issued by T.R. Ziraat Bankası A.Ş, Akbank T.A.Ş, T. Garanti Bankası A.Ş, T. İş Bankası A.Ş, T. Sınai Kalkınma Bankası A.Ş. and Yapı ve Kredi Bankası A.Ş.,
  • or other collateral types that the Bank deems appropriate are acceptable.

What is the margin call?

In case the total collateral held in the account of the exporter falls below the maintenance collateral, the exporter is required by the Bank to complete the amount of the collateral at the initial collateral level. This request is named as “Margin Call”.

What to do in Average Forward Transaction Date?

  • The Exporter whom a derivative limit is allocated and collateral is established sends the “Transaction Form” that includes the related conditions and signed by the individual(s) authorized to represent the firm.
  • Upon execution of the transaction, the necessary initial collateral amount is blocked and reduced from the collateral amount provided by the Exporter.
  • Following the blockage of the collateral amounts, the Exporter does not have the right to renege on the transaction or the right to change the transaction. The Bank reserves the right to reduce the transaction amount.
  • The bank confirms the transaction result with the forward transaction receipt which will be sent to the Exporter on transaction day.
  • The exporter sends the Asymmetric Forward Transaction Receipt to the Bank by writing “Notified and Accepted” to the Average Forward Transaction Receipt signed by the individual(s) authorized to represent the firm.
  • After the bank has sent the original forward transaction receipt to the address of the Exporter within 5 (five) business days at the latest from the transaction date, The Exporter delivers the wet-signed original of the forward transaction receipt by mail or courier within 5 (five) business days to the bank.

What to do during Average Forward Transaction Process?

  • In case the exporter reneges on the Average Forward transaction before the transaction date for any reason, the transaction is unilaterally assessed by the Bank according to the current market conditions, and the amount of penalty determined by the Bank on the basis of market conditions is collected from the relevant collateral of the Exporter.
  • As a result of daily valuation, if there is profit in terms of the exporter, there is no change in the collateral amount.
  • As a result of daily valuation, if there is loss in terms of the exporter, and the amount of the loss incurred does not fall below the level of maintenance collateral determined by the Head Office, a margin call will not be made.
  • As a result of daily valuation, if there is loss in terms of the exporter, and the amount of the loss incurred falls below the level of maintenance collateral determined by the Head Office, the collateral level will be increased to the initial collateral amount.
  • If the exporter does not comply with the margin call within 2 (two) business days, the default principles will go into effect and the exporters’ collateral will be compensated.

What to do on Average Forward Transaction Maturity?

  • Foreign exchange rates to be used in cash settlement are determined by the Bank at 12:00 London time on the maturity of the transaction and the Bank’s determined rates are announced on the internet site or directly to the customer.
  • After the transaction amount determined in the “Average Forward Transaction Receipt” is paid by the Exporter to the account determined by the Bank until the time determined by the Bank, the Bank fulfills its obligation by paying the Exporter account specified in the “Average Forward Transaction Receipt” and the Average forward transaction ends. The exporter is responsible for all taxes, funds, withholding tax, fees, etc., which have to be paid, whether or not they were born or not, in the relevant tax legislation. He unconditionally accepts that a net amount will be paid by deducting the tax amounts from the transaction amount/premium amount/netting amount.
  • Following the exporter's fulfillment of its obligation on the due date, based on the transaction amount and exchange rate determined in the "Average Forward Transaction Receipt", the Bank fulfills its obligation on the nearest transaction day, depending on whether the relevant currencies are within the transaction hours. Liabilities are fulfilled on the same day for TL transactions, the next business day for USD, EUR and GBP transactions, and 2 business days for JPY transactions.
  • If the obligation is not fulfilled, the collateral is not released. If the Exporter does not fulfil the obligation untill the stated time, the default principles will go into effect and the exporter’s collateral will be compensated.

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