The Turkish Eximbank which has a confidential and valued position in the International field, has seen the laundering of crime revenues and conflict policy with the financing of terrorism as a social responsability apart from its accordance to the legal regulations and place importance to this conflict. Our Bank is evaluated the subjected conflict as an important element of accordance with the international system at the same time.
The Turkish Eximbank which is in the status of development bank, within the frame of national legislation, it is been exempted in respect to formation of Adjustment Programme. On the other side, within the frame of "Policy and Adjustment Principles regarding to the prevention of Laundering of Crime Revenues and Financing Terrorism" which has been approved by the Bank management, the prevention of our Bank's usage with the purpose of laundering of crime revenues and financing terrorism, the proving information about the legal and administrative obligations of our Bank's workers, the providing of the necessary accord and collaboration in the correspondent relations with the international agreements and the accordance of the arrangements of the related institutions that has been given authority and law of the bank's policy, procedure and the controlling methods, it has been aimed to protect the maintaining the Bank’s secure banking activities, its reputation and its customer quality. Subjected policy, procedure and controlling methods; include the General Management, Regional Directorates, branhes along with liaison offices.